At the QCH ICU, patient rounds take place everyday from 0900-1200. The goal of rounds is to have the ICU interdisciplinary team present and address the patients issues, treatments and prognosis. Rounding is the most opportune time for Care partners to meet with the ICU team and discuss the patients overall status and plan. All patient care partners are encouraged to attend rounds.
Being present at rounds
Every day, the ICU team talks about the patient's progress and care plan moving forward, these meetings are called rounds. If the patient or SDM provides their consent (agrees), we welcome family to attend rounds.
During rounds you have a chance to:
- Share important information with the team.
- Hear a quick update about your loved ones condition.
Family Meetings
In ICU a family meeting may take time to arrange. Often family meetings are arranged at physician request. When care decisions require an in-depth conversation beyond ICU rounds. We request that the care partner, Power of attorney (POA) or substitute decision maker (SDM) are present for such meetings.
Rapid Response Team

Following transfer from the ICU, all patients receive follow-up rounding for a total of 48hrs (while in an in-patient care area), or longer if needed. The ICU Rapid Response Team (RRT) conducts these follow ups, RRT rounds typically occur from 1200-1600hr each day(hours may vary). The rapid response team is comprised of an ICU Nurse, and ICU physician. At the beginning of every RRT nurse's shift, the RRT nurse conducts proactive rounding of inpatient units with in the hospital.