We know you may have a lot of questions about COVID-19, QCH, and how to get more information. We're here to help you, so we've put together a list of commonly asked questions.



Should I go to my appointment at QCH?

QCH remains open and the hospital is safe for patients. If you have an appointment scheduled and are not showing symptoms of COVID-19, please come in for your appointment.

Can I visit a patient in the hospital?

Please visit our COVID-19 Visitor Restrictions webpage to learn more about visiting the hospital. Thank you for your support in keeping our patients safe.

QCH is testing patients who may have COVID-19. Is it still safe to come to my appointment?

Yes, of course. The hospital has measures in place to prepare for, detect, and respond to any potential cases – and to help prevent the spread of infection.

I have flu-like symptoms. Should I still come to my appointment?

If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, we ask that for everyone’s safety, you do not come to the hospital at this time. You should call ahead to the clinic in case it is necessary to reschedule your appointment if your appointment is not cancelled.

Will I get sick if I come to the hospital?

Your safety is important to us. We have safety measures put in place to prevent the spread of infections. It is also important to wash your hands frequently, including when entering and leaving the hospital and before eating or drinking. Please follow our masking requirements while inside the hospital - masks add an extra layer of protection for you and those around you.

Do you have enough supplies to treat me?

QCH – like other hospitals in the region – has supplies put aside for events like this. We have appropriate supplies to get us through a hurdle should we face one.

Might I be sharing a room with a COVID-19 patient?

If a patient is suspected of having COVID-19, they are put on isolation precautions – they would not be sharing a room with a patient admitted for other medical reasons.

Do you have enough room for COVID-19 patients?

We have a tiered surge plan identifying space and staffing in the event of an increase of COVID-19 patients.

What can I do to prevent my loved ones and myself from getting COVID-19?

To better protect the people around you:


  • Get the COVID-19 vaccine and ensure you are fully vaccinated
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
  • Wear a mask
  • Stay 6 feet apart from others outside of your household
  • When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or into your arm
  • Stay home if you are unwell


Where can I go to get more information?

Ottawa Public Health has the most up-to-date information on their website. We encourage you to go there for more detailed information about COVID-19.

Can patients with COVID-19 still come to the hospital for their procedure?

If you are positive for COVID-19, please reschedule your appointment for the safety of yourself, our staff, and other patients.