Wendy Nicklin
Board Member
With a background in critical care and emergency nursing, Wendy taught at Queen’s university and then held progressively senior positions at The Ottawa Hospital. She assumed the position as President and CEO of Accreditation Canada in 2004, stepping down early in 2016. Wendy has considerable governance experience, most recently as the Board Chair of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua). Past governance work includes the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada and the Champlain Local Integration Health Network. Currently she serves on the Boards of Hospice Care Ottawa and Salus Global Corporation. She is a member of the Committee on Accreditation of Medical Schools and recently joined Patients for Patient Safety Canada. With a strong commitment to effective governance and focusing on quality, safety, accreditation and leadership, Wendy has numerous publications to her name and has given many presentations nationally and internationally. She has an academic appointment to Queen’s University. Wendy has a B.N. and M.Sc.(A) from McGill University and is a Fellow of ISQua and a member of the International Academy of Quality and Safety in Health Care. She is a certified Corporate Director with the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD.D).